Marcos Jr.: Leaders from All Over the World Requesting for More Filipino Health Workers

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Marcos Jr.: Leaders from All Over the World Requesting for More Filipino Health Workers

The world is in dire need of more healthcare workers as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage countries across the globe. This has prompted leaders from all over the world to reach out to the Philippines, asking for assistance from Filipino health workers.

This was revealed by former senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., who said that he had been receiving requests from other countries for Filipino medical professionals. He added that many of these countries have offered attractive compensation packages and benefits for those who will accept their offers.

“I have received several requests from different countries asking for Filipino doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to help them fight against COVID-19,” Marcos Jr. said in a statement. “They are offering very good salaries and benefits, and I think this is an opportunity for our healthcare workers to show their expertise and help other nations in this time of crisis.”

Marcos Jr. said that while he understands why some Filipinos may be hesitant to work abroad due to the risks involved, he believes that it is an opportunity for them to gain experience and make a difference in the lives of others. He also noted that the government should provide additional support for those who decide to take up the offer.

“I understand that there is a risk involved in working abroad, but I believe that this is an opportunity for our healthcare workers to hone their skills and gain valuable experience,” Marcos Jr. said. “The government should also provide additional support for our health workers who decide to take up these offers so they can better serve their fellow Filipinos when they come back home.”

The Department of Health (DOH) has also expressed its support for Filipino health workers who are willing to work abroad, saying that they will be provided with necessary documents and information regarding the foreign country's healthcare system. The DOH also assured them that they will receive proper compensation and benefits once they arrive at their destination.

“We understand that our health workers are eager to help other countries in their fight against COVID-19,” DOH Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said in a statement. “We want to assure them that they will be given all the necessary documents and information regarding the foreign country's healthcare system before they leave, and that they will receive proper compensation and benefits once they arrive at their destination.”

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has also announced that it would be providing assistance to those who wish to take up overseas employment opportunities in healthcare-related fields. POEA Administrator Bernard Olalia said that his agency would facilitate the processing of applications and ensure that those who decide to work abroad will receive proper compensation and benefits.

“We want to make sure that our healthcare workers who decide to work abroad will be properly taken care of,” Olalia said in a statement. “Our agency will facilitate the processing of applications and ensure that they receive proper compensation and benefits once they arrive at their destination." 

Overall, it appears that there are plenty of opportunities available for Filipino healthcare workers who are willing to work abroad during this time of crisis. With the government's support and assistance, these individuals can take advantage of these offers while still being able to serve their fellow Filipinos when they come back home.