Seven Percent of Filipino Households Have Overseas Filipino Workers, SWS Survey Reveals

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Seven Percent of Filipino Households Have Overseas Filipino Workers, SWS Survey Reveals

Overview of the Survey

A recent survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) revealed that seven percent of Filipino households have at least one member who is an overseas Filipino worker (OFW). Additionally, seven percent of Filipinos are seeking work abroad. The survey was conducted from June 22 to 26, 2019 and involved 1,440 respondents across the country.

The survey showed that the majority of OFWs are male, with 84% being male and 16% being female. Most OFWs are also married or living with a partner, with only 13% being single. In terms of age, most OFWs are between 25 and 44 years old, making up 73% of all OFWs.

The survey also found that most OFWs come from middle-income households. About 32% of OFWs come from households earning 10,000 to 19,999 pesos per month while 28% come from households earning 20,000 to 29,999 pesos per month. This indicates that a significant portion of OFWs come from families who may be struggling to make ends meet in the Philippines.

The survey also revealed that most OFWs leave for economic reasons. About 86% said they left for economic reasons such as higher wages or better job opportunities abroad. The remaining 14% said they left for other reasons such as family reunification or personal preference.

Impact of OFWs on Filipino Families

The impact of having an OFW in the family is significant for many Filipino households. About 70% of households with an OFW reported receiving remittances from their relative abroad. This money is often used to pay for basic needs such as food and housing as well as education and health care expenses.

In addition to providing financial support, OFWs also play an important role in the emotional wellbeing of their families back home. According to the survey, 56% of households with an OFW reported feeling closer to each other because of their relative abroad. Moreover, 60% said they were more hopeful about their future due to their relative's success abroad.

Overall, the survey reveals that having an OFW in the family can be both beneficial and challenging for Filipino households. While it can provide much needed financial support and emotional connection, it can also be difficult for families who are separated due to work abroad. As such, it is important for governments and organizations to create policies and programs that can help support both OFWs and their families back home.